
Land Registry Charges in Uttar Pradesh (UP)

Land registry charges in Uttar Pradesh

Land registry charges in Uttar Pradesh, particularly in the context of official property registration with IGRSUP (Inspector General of Registration Stamps and Properties), play a crucial role in property transactions. Understanding these charges, including stamp duty, registration fees, and lawyer fees, is essential for anyone involved in buying or selling property in UP.

Introduction to Land Registry Charges in Uttar Pradesh (UP)

In Uttar Pradesh, land registry charges are regulated by the state government through the IGRSUP. These charges include various components such as stamp duty, registration fees, and legal fees incurred during property registration.

Overview of Official Property Registration (IGRSUP)

Land registry charges in Uttar Pradesh
IGRSUP Portal – Land registration page

IGRSUP is the authority responsible for overseeing property registration in Uttar Pradesh. It ensures that property transactions comply with legal requirements and facilitates the registration process for both buyers and sellers.

Explanation of Stamp Duty Rates for Different Categories

Stamp duty rates vary based on the category of property owners. For example, the stamp duty for women is 6%, while for men, it is 7%. Joint ownership scenarios, such as joint men + women or joint men + men, have specific stamp duty rates like 6.5% and 7%, respectively.

Here is a table of land registry charges in Uttar Pradesh for better understand

Charge ComponentRate
Stamp Duty6% for women, 7% for men
6.5% for joint men + women
7% for joint men + men
Registration Charge1% of total land/property value
Lawyer Fee₹3000 to ₹15000 (varies based on factors)

Calculation of Registration Charges based on Property Value

Registration charges in UP are typically 1% of the total land or property value. This fee is paid during the registration process and is a crucial component of land registry charges.

Factors Influencing Lawyer Fees for Property Registration

Lawyer fees for property registration in UP vary based on several factors, including the complexity of the transaction, the experience of the lawyer, and the services provided. These fees can range from ₹3000 to ₹15000 or more, depending on the circumstances.

Importance of Understanding Land Registry Charges for Property Buyers

For property buyers in Uttar Pradesh, having a clear understanding of land registry charges is essential. It helps them budget effectively, avoid legal complications, and ensure a smooth property registration process.


In conclusion, land registry in Uttar Pradesh are a critical aspect of property transactions. By understanding stamp duty rates, registration charges, and lawyer fees, individuals can navigate the property registration process with confidence and clarity.

Download New Stamp Fee Details PDF Free 

Written by Admin

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