
Trademark Registration for Amazon Sellers in India

Trademark Registration For Amazon Seller in India Feature Image

In today’s competitive marketplace, trademark registration for Amazon sellers in India is crucial step. It not only protects your brand but also enhances your business credibility and prevents others from using your brand name. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the intricacies of trademark registration, its importance, Amazon’s policies regarding trademarks, the process involved, and how LegalMate, one of the best IP law firms with top trademark attorneys, can assist you in this endeavor.

What is a Trademark?

A Trademark Registration for Amazon seller is a unique symbol, word, phrase, or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods or services of one party from those of others. Trademarks are a vital part of your business’s identity and serve as a guarantee of quality to your customers. In the context of e-commerce, particularly for Amazon sellers, having a registered trademark is essential to protect your brand from infringement and to participate in Amazon’s Brand Registry program.

Definition and Significance

A trademark for e-commerce can include logos, brand names, taglines, and even specific colors and sounds that are distinctive to a particular business. The significance of a trademark lies in its ability to represent the origin of a product or service, ensuring that customers can identify and differentiate a brand from its competitors.

Types of Trademark Registration For Amazon Sellers

  1. Product Trademarks: Used on goods to identify the manufacturer.
  2. Service Trademarks: Used in connection with services, distinguishing the service provider.
  3. Collective Trademarks: Owned by an organization whose members use them to identify their products or services.
  4. Certification Trademarks: Used to certify the quality, origin, or other characteristics of goods or services.

Examples of Famous Trademarks

  1. Nike’s Swoosh: Symbolizing athletic performance and quality.
  2. Apple’s Apple: Representing innovation and premium technology products.
  3. McDonald’s Golden Arches: Signifying fast food and consistency.


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Why Trademark Registration is Important for Amazon Sellers

Trademark registration offers numerous benefits to Amazon sellers in India:

Brand Protection

A registered trademark protects your brand from unauthorized use by competitors. It ensures that only you have the legal right to use your brand name and logo, preventing others from capitalizing on your brand’s reputation.

Legal Rights

Trademark registration grants you exclusive rights to use the mark on your goods and services. This exclusivity is crucial in a competitive marketplace, providing a legal basis to challenge any infringement.

Enhanced Credibility

Having a registered trademark adds to your business’s credibility and professional image. It signals to customers that you are a legitimate business that values its brand and customer trust.

Amazon Brand Registry

Amazon’s Brand Registry program offers powerful tools for protecting your brand. With a registered trademark, you can enroll in this program, gaining access to features like:

  1. Proactive Brand Protection: Amazon actively monitors and removes infringing listings.
  2. Enhanced Search Capabilities: Improved search tools to find potential infringers.
  3. Report Violations: Easy reporting and faster resolution of trademark infringements.

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What Can Be Trademarked For E-commerce Seller?

A trademark can encompass various forms of unique identifiers used in commerce to distinguish the goods or services of one entity from those of others. Here are the main types of elements that can be trademarked:

1. Words and Phrases

  • Brand Names: Names of products or companies, such as “Nike” or “Coca-Cola.”
  • Taglines: Slogans or catchphrases, like “Just Do It” by Nike or “I’m Lovin’ It” by McDonald’s.

2. Symbols and Logos

  • Logos: Graphic symbols or designs that represent a brand, like Apple’s apple or McDonald’s golden arches.
  • Symbols: Any distinct image or emblem used in branding.

3. Numbers and Letters

  • Alphanumeric Characters: Unique combinations of letters and numbers, such as “7-Eleven” or “F1.”

4. Shapes and Configurations

  • Product Shapes: Distinctive shapes of products or their packaging, like the Coca-Cola bottle shape or Toblerone chocolate bar’s triangular shape.

5. Colors

  • Specific Colors: Unique colors used in branding that are specifically associated with a brand, such as Tiffany & Co.’s robin egg blue.

6. Sounds

  • Sound Marks: Distinctive sounds used in branding, like the MGM lion roar or the Intel jingle.

7. Scents

  • Scent Marks: Unique scents that distinguish goods or services, although this type of trademark is less common and harder to register.

8. Patterns

  • Design Patterns: Unique patterns used in branding, such as Burberry’s distinctive check pattern.

9. Motion

  • Motion Marks: Animated logos or sequences used in branding, such as the animation of the Columbia Pictures torch-bearing woman.

10. Holograms

  • Holographic Images: 3D holograms used in branding and packaging.

Examples of Trademarked Elements

  1. Words and Phrases: The name “Google” for search services.
  2. Symbols and Logos: The Starbucks mermaid logo.
  3. Numbers and Letters: “BMW” for automobiles.
  4. Shapes and Configurations: The unique shape of the Hershey’s Kisses chocolate.
  5. Colors: The specific purple used by Cadbury for its chocolate wrapping.
  6. Sounds: The NBC chimes.
  7. Scents: The distinctive scent of Play-Doh.
  8. Patterns: The Louis Vuitton monogram pattern.
  9. Motion: The Pixar lamp animation.
  10. Holograms: Holographic elements used in some credit cards and high-security items.

Trademarking these elements helps businesses protect their unique brand identities and ensures that consumers can identify the source of their products and services.

Amazon Policy for Trademarks

Amazon requires sellers to have a registered trademark to enroll in its Brand Registry program. This program provides sellers with additional tools to protect their brand, such as proactive brand protection, enhanced search capabilities, and the ability to report violations. Having a registered trademark is not only a compliance requirement but also a strategic advantage for Amazon sellers.

Enrollment Requirements

To enroll in Amazon’s Brand Registry, you must provide:

  1. Registered Trademark Number: Your trademark must be registered with the relevant trademark office.
  2. Brand Name: The exact brand name associated with the registered trademark.
  3. Logo and Images: High-quality images of your brand’s logo and products.

Benefits of Amazon Brand Registry

  1. Access to Advanced Tools: Utilize Amazon’s tools to search and report potential infringements.
  2. Enhanced Content Control: Create enhanced brand content to improve your listings.
  3. Increased Brand Visibility: Gain better control over your product listings and brand representation.

Who Can File a Trademark in India?

In India, the following entities can file for a trademark:

Individuals/Sole Proprietors

Any individual or sole proprietor conducting business can file for a trademark. This is particularly beneficial for small business owners and freelancers who want to protect their unique brand identities.

Partnership Firms

Partnerships can register their business names or logos as trademarks. This helps in protecting the collective brand identity and ensures all partners have legal rights over the trademark.


Corporations, whether private or public, can register trademarks for their business operations. This is essential for large businesses to safeguard their brand across various products and services.

Non-Profit Organizations

Even non-profit entities can register trademarks for their brand. This ensures their brand identity is protected and helps in maintaining the integrity of their mission and vision.

How to Choose the Right Trademark Class

Here’s what to consider when selecting your trademark class(es):

  • Your Products: Identify the primary categories your products belong to. For example, if you sell t-shirts, Class 25 (Clothing) would be appropriate.
  • Future Expansion: Consider if you plan to expand your product line in the future. If so, select a class broad enough to accommodate potential growth.
  • Accuracy: Choosing the most relevant class ensures your trademark effectively protects your brand within its intended category.
    Common Trademark Classes for Amazon Sellers

Here are some common classes relevant to various types of Amazon sellers:

  1. Class 25 (Clothing): For sellers offering apparel, footwear, and headwear.
  2. Class 18 (Leather Goods): For sellers of bags, wallets, belts, and other leather products.
  3. Class 14 (Jewelry): For sellers of watches, necklaces, bracelets, and other forms of jewelry.
  4. Class 28 (Games and Toys): For sellers of toys, puzzles, and game equipment.
  5. Class 32 (Beverages): For sellers offering coffee, tea, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages (if applicable).
  6. Class 09 (Electrical Apparatus): For sellers of electronics, appliances, and related accessories.
  7. Class 21 (Household Goods): For sellers of kitchenware, cleaning supplies, and other household items.

Amazon Seller Categories

Amazon sellers in India can be broadly categorized into various segments, each with unique needs for trademark registration:

Private Label Sellers

These sellers create their own brands and must protect their brand identity through trademark registration. This category includes sellers who manufacture their own products or have them manufactured under their brand name.

Retail Arbitrage Sellers

While these sellers may not need a trademark for each product, having a trademarked business name can enhance credibility. Retail arbitrage involves buying products from retail stores and selling them on Amazon for a profit.

Wholesale Sellers

Similar to private label sellers, these sellers benefit from trademark registration for their brands. Wholesale sellers buy products in bulk from manufacturers or distributors and sell them on Amazon.

Dropshipping Sellers

Trademark registration can help protect the branding of dropshipping businesses. Dropshipping involves selling products without holding inventory, where the supplier ships the products directly to the customer.

Cost of Trademark Registration in India

The cost of trademark registration in India varies depending on the entity filing and the number of classes under which the trademark is registered. Typically, the costs include:

Government Fees

The official fee for filing a trademark application in India is approximately INR 4,500 to INR 9,000 per class, depending on whether the applicant is an individual, small enterprise, or a large entity.

Professional Fees

These fees vary based on the complexity of the trademark and the services provided by the IP law firm. It can range from INR 2,000 to INR 10,000. Professional fees cover the expertise and services of trademark attorneys who manage the application process, ensuring it meets all legal requirements.

Trademark Registration Process in India

The trademark registration process in India involves several steps:

Trademark Search

Conduct a thorough search to ensure your desired trademark is not already in use. This step is crucial to avoid potential conflicts and ensure your trademark is unique.

Filing the Application

Submit the trademark application with the required details and fees. This includes information about the trademark, the applicant, and the goods or services it will cover.


The trademark office examines the application and issues an examination report. This report may include objections or suggestions for amendments.


If accepted, the trademark is published in the Trademark Journal for any oppositions. This allows the public to challenge the registration if they believe it infringes on their existing rights.


If no oppositions are filed, the trademark is registered, and a certificate is issued. This certificate provides legal proof of your ownership and exclusive rights to the trademark.

Choosing the Right Firm for Trademark Registration

Choosing the right IP law firm is crucial for a smooth trademark registration process. LegalMate stands out as one of the best IP law firms in India, with a team of top trademark attorneys who specialize in Amazon brand registry. Their expertise ensures a seamless registration process, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

LegalMate’s Comprehensive Services

LegalMate offers comprehensive services, including:

  1. Trademark Search and Analysis: Ensuring your desired trademark is unique.
  2. Filing and Prosecution: Handling all aspects of the application process.
  3. Opposition Management: Managing any oppositions that may arise.
  4. Brand Protection: Ongoing support to protect your trademark from infringement.

Expertise in Amazon Brand Protection

LegalMate’s team has deep expertise in Amazon’s brand protection mechanisms, making them an ideal partner for Amazon sellers. They understand the unique challenges faced by e-commerce businesses and provide tailored solutions to safeguard your brand.

Written by Vinod Kumar

Vinod Kumar is a young Indian lawyer. He founded LegalMate Law Firm to help clients navigate legal challenges. Vinod studied law from Lucknow University.

Before law, he worked as a journalist, giving him a knack for clear communication. He also holds a Diploma in Journalism and graduated from Delhi University and a Master's degree in Political Science from IGNOU.

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